Seasonal Epidemic Onset



The methodology used to detect the seasonal onset of epidemics, can be divided into two essential criteria:

  1. The local estimate of the exponential growth rate, r, is significantly greater than zero.
  2. The sum of cases (SoC) over the past k units of time exceeds a disease-specific threshold.

Here, k denotes the window size employed to obtain the local estimate of the exponential growth rate and SoC. When both of these criteria are met, an alarm is triggered and the onset of the seasonal epidemic is detected.

The model is implemented in the seasonal_onset() function of the aedseo package. Criteria one is fulfilled if the growth_warning in the output is TRUE. Criteria two is fulfilled if the sum_of_cases_warning in the output is TRUE.

Exponential growth rate

The exponential growth rate, denoted as r, represents the per capita change in the number of new cases per unit of time. Given that incidence data are integer-valued, the proposed method relies on generalized linear models (GLM). For count data, the Poisson distribution is a suitable choice as a model. Hence, the count observations denoted as Y are assumed to follow a Poisson distribution

Here, the link function, log (), connects the linear predictor to the expected value of the data point, expressed as log (λ) = μ. Given a single continuous covariate t, the mean μ can be expressed as

This is equivalent to a multiplicative model for λ, i.e.

Intuitively, negative values of r result in a decline in the number of observed cases, while r = 0 represents stability, and positive values of r indicate an increase.

It is important to note that the Poisson distribution assumes that the mean and variance are equal. In reality, real data often deviate from this assumption, with the variance (v) being significantly larger than the mean. This biological phenomenon, known as overdispersion, can be addressed within a model in various ways. One approach is to employ quasi-Poisson regression, which assumes v = σλ, or to use negative binomial regression (not implemented yet), which assumes v = λ + λ2/θ, where both σ and θ are overdispersion parameters.

Applying the seasonal_onset algorithm

First we generate some data as an tsd object, with the generate_seasonal_data() function.

# Construct an 'tsd' object with time series data
tsd_data <- generate_seasonal_data(
  years = 3,
  start_date = as.Date("2021-05-26"),
  amplitude = 300,
  mean = 300,
  phase = 0,
  trend_rate = 1.002,
  noise_overdispersion = 3,
  time_interval = "week"

Next, the tsd object is passed to the seasonal_onset() function. Here, a window size of k=5 is specified, meaning that a total of 5 weeks is used in the local estimate of the exponential growth rate. na_fraction_allowed = 0.4 defines how large a fraction of observations in the k window that are allowed to be NA, here 0.4*5 = 2 observations. Additionally, a 95% confidence interval is specified. Finally, the exponential growth rate is estimated using quasi-Poisson regression to account for overdispersion in the data. A disease-specific threshold can additionally be passed to the function, but is not necessary if only the growth rate estimations are wanted. season_start and season_end can be used to specify the season to stratify the observations by. This algorithm runs across seasons, such that the first observation in a new season will use the last k-1 observations from the previous season. The seasonal_onset() function provides a tsd_onset object with a comprehensive seasonal onset analysis.

seasonal_onset_results <- seasonal_onset(
  tsd = tsd_data,
  k = 5,
  level = 0.95,
  disease_threshold = 100,
  family = "quasipoisson",
  na_fraction_allowed = 0.4,
  season_start = 21,
  season_end = 20,
  only_current_season = FALSE

Visualising Growth Rates

In the first figure, observations over time are shown with a legend for the seasonal onset alarm. In the second figure, the local estimates of the growth rates are presented along with their corresponding 95% confidence interval with a legend for the growth warning. This visualisation can be generated by utilizing the plot() S3 method with objects of the tsd_onset class.


Predicting Growth Rates

The predict() S3 method for tsd_onset objects allows you to make predictions for future time steps based on the estimated growth rates. Following is an example of predict observations for the next 5 weekly time steps.

prediction <- predict(seasonal_onset_results, n_step = 5)

In the example above, we use the predict method to predict growth rates for the next 5 time steps, according to the time_interval = "week" in the tsd_onset object. The n_step argument specifies the number of steps into the future you want to forecast. The resulting tsd_predict object contains observation estimates, lower bounds, and upper bounds for each time step.

Summarising seasonal_onset results

The summary() S3 method for tsd_onset objects provides a concise summary of your automated early detection of seasonal_onset analysis. You can use it to retrieve important information about your analysis, including the first seasonal onset alarm (reference time point), SoC at reference time point (here over a 5 week window), growth rate estimates at reference time point, total number of growth warnings in the series and latest warnings (growth and SoC). It helps you quickly assess the key findings of your analysis.

#> Summary of tsd_onset object with disease_threshold
#>       Model output:
#>         Reference time point (first seasonal onset alarm in season): 2023-05-24
#>         Observations at reference time point: 444
#>         Sum of observations at reference time point: 1570
#>         Growth rate estimate at reference time point:
#>           Estimate   Lower (2.5%)   Upper (97.5%)
#>             0.194     0.217          0.170
#>         Total number of growth warnings in the series: 61
#>         Latest growth warning: 2024-05-15
#>         Latest sum of cases warning: 2024-05-15
#>         Latest seasonal onset alarm: 2024-05-15
#>       The season for reference time point:
#>         2023/2024
#>       Model settings:
#>         Called using distributional family: quasipoisson
#>         Window size for growth rate estimation and calculation of sum of cases: 5
#>         The time interval for the observations: week
#>         Disease specific threshold: 100